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Cyber Allies: North Korea and Russia's cyber partnership in the post-treaty era

2024-07-17, DailyNK


The year 2024 will be remembered as a milestone that paved the way for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK or North Korea) to emerge from its period of strategic reclusion. After years of lockdown during the coronavirus pandemic, the DPRK hosted a successful visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin to Pyongyang in June 2024, where they signed a treaty on comprehensive strategic partnership, replacing the earlier 1961 and 2000 treaties, marking a drastic shift in bilateral diplomatic relations and the Northeast Asian regional order.
The treaty was not a surprise for those closely following the bilateral developments, particularly after the frequent ministerial meetings and agreements between both sides. However, the surprises from the visit were the details mentioned in the treaty, which signal that the partnership is deeper than expected, spanning across different domains. What stands out in the treaty is the focus on cooperation in science and technology, …