Detects a malicious DLL used by a North Korean Threat actor Lazarus
import "pe"
rule DLL_North_Korean_Lazarus_March2024 {
Description = "Detects a malicious DLL used by a North Korean Threat actor Lazarus"
Author = "RustyNoob619"
Credits = "@BaoshengbinCumt for sharing the malware sample on Twitter"
Reference = ""
Hash = "5289529957d52c9d5fc2e47aa9924fd1de21b902509dee0241d5d6b056733a94"
$str1 = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings\\Connections" wide
$str2 = "SeDebugPrivilege" wide
$str3 = "AutoConfigURL" wide
$usragnt1 = "Content-Length:" wide
$usragnt2 = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" wide
$cmd1 = "opt %lu(%lu) stat %lu(%lu) stored %lu lit %u dist %u"
$cmd2 = "dist data: dyn %ld, stat %ld"
$cmd3 = "lit data: dyn %ld, stat %ld"
$cmd4 = "dyn trees: dyn %ld, stat %ld"
$cmd5 = "code %d bits %d->%d"
$cmd6 = "bl code %2d"
and pe.imports("KERNEL32.dll","QueryPerformanceCounter")
and pe.imports("KERNEL32.dll","IsDebuggerPresent")
and pe.imports("KERNEL32.dll","GetUserDefaultLCID")
and pe.imports("ole32.dll","CoInitializeEx")
and pe.imports("ole32.dll","CoInitializeSecurity")
and pe.imports("SHELL32.dll","CommandLineToArgvW")
and pe.imports("ADVAPI32.dll","LookupPrivilegeValueW")
and pe.exports("InitProcessPriv")
and pe.exports("InitThread")
and pe.exports("ShutdownLockAppHostServer")
and pe.exports("StartLockAppHostServer")
and pe.exports("UnInitProcessPriv")
and pe.exports("UnInitThread")
and 2 of ($str*)
and any of ($usragnt*)
and 3 of ($cmd*)
rule DLL_North_Korean_Lazarus_March2024 {
Description = "Detects a malicious DLL used by a North Korean Threat actor Lazarus"
Author = "RustyNoob619"
Credits = "@BaoshengbinCumt for sharing the malware sample on Twitter"
Reference = ""
Hash = "5289529957d52c9d5fc2e47aa9924fd1de21b902509dee0241d5d6b056733a94"
$str1 = "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings\\Connections" wide
$str2 = "SeDebugPrivilege" wide
$str3 = "AutoConfigURL" wide
$usragnt1 = "Content-Length:" wide
$usragnt2 = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" wide
$cmd1 = "opt %lu(%lu) stat %lu(%lu) stored %lu lit %u dist %u"
$cmd2 = "dist data: dyn %ld, stat %ld"
$cmd3 = "lit data: dyn %ld, stat %ld"
$cmd4 = "dyn trees: dyn %ld, stat %ld"
$cmd5 = "code %d bits %d->%d"
$cmd6 = "bl code %2d"
and pe.imports("KERNEL32.dll","QueryPerformanceCounter")
and pe.imports("KERNEL32.dll","IsDebuggerPresent")
and pe.imports("KERNEL32.dll","GetUserDefaultLCID")
and pe.imports("ole32.dll","CoInitializeEx")
and pe.imports("ole32.dll","CoInitializeSecurity")
and pe.imports("SHELL32.dll","CommandLineToArgvW")
and pe.imports("ADVAPI32.dll","LookupPrivilegeValueW")
and pe.exports("InitProcessPriv")
and pe.exports("InitThread")
and pe.exports("ShutdownLockAppHostServer")
and pe.exports("StartLockAppHostServer")
and pe.exports("UnInitProcessPriv")
and pe.exports("UnInitThread")
and 2 of ($str*)
and any of ($usragnt*)
and 3 of ($cmd*)