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From BYOVD to a 0-day: Unveiling Advanced Exploits in Cyber Recruiting Scams

2024-04-18, Avast
Asia-24-Camastra-FromBYOVDtoa0dayUnveilingAdvancedExploitsinCyberR_DiNoSEj.pdf, 2.0 MB
#BYOVD #FudModule #CVE-2024-21338 #KaolinRAT #Slides


In a groundbreaking case, we have uncovered a sophisticated cyber-attack disguised as a job recruitment drive, primarily targeting the Asia region. The attacker demonstrated a high level of sophistication, utilizing 0-day exploits and an improved rootkit for stealthy operations.

Our investigation began when a client received a seemingly innocuous job offer. The attackers, masquerading as recruiters, used various delivery methods - including email attachments, malicious links, and WhatsApp messages via the web version - to send an ISO file disguised as a skills assessment.

This attack chain featured unprecedented sophistication:
-Use of Undocumented Loaders: The attackers deployed a series of intricate loaders to inject a fully functional, undocumented RAT, achieving kernel mode read/write access.
-Exploitation of 0-day Vulnerabilities: A novel Admin->Kernel 0-day exploit in a default Windows driver was discovered, bypassing previous BYOVD (Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver) methods.
-Advanced Rootkit Capabilities: A rootkit, an upgrade from previously known versions, includes features to remove kernel …