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Monthly Threat Actor Group Intelligence Report, July 2024 (ENG)

2024-10-10, NSHC
#SectorA #SectorA01 #SectorA04 #SectorA05 #SectorA07 #Trend


Monthly Threat Actor Group Intelligence Report, July 2024 (ENG)
This report is a summary of Threat Actor group activities analyzed by the NSHC Threat Research Lab based on data and information collected from 21 June 2024 to 20 July 2024.
In July, activities by a total of 30 Threat Actor Groups were identified, in which activities by SectorJ groups were the most prominent by 37%, followed by SectorB and SectorA groups.
Threat Actors identified in July carried out the highest number of attacks on workers and systems in commercial facilities and financial industries. Regionally, Europe and South Asia were seen as the regions with the highest number of hacking activities targeted on.
1. Characteristics of SectorA Group Activities
In July 2024, activities by a total of 4 hacking groups were identified, and the groups were SectorA01, SectorA04, SectorA05 and SectorA07 groups.
SectorA01 group was found to be active in France, Pakistan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Spain, USA, India, …


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