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North Korean and Chinese Cyber Crime Threats to the HPH

2023-09-21, USHHS
dprk-chinese-cyber-crime-threats-us-hph.pdf, 5.5 MB
#APT43 #ThreatNeedle #Slides #MATA


North Korean and Chinese
Cyber Crime Threats to the HPH
September 21, 2023

TLP:CLEAR, ID# 202309211300


Chinese and North Korean Cybercrime

• Cybercrime Overview and Theory
• China
 APT41

• North Korea
 APT43
 Lazarus Group

• Defense and Mitigations
• Conclusions
• References

Slides Key:
Non-Technical: Managerial, strategic
and high-level (general audience)
Technical: Tactical / IOCs; requiring
in-depth knowledge (sysadmins, IRT)


Cybercrime Overview
An overview of common cybercriminal
features and characteristics


The Typical, Modern Cybercriminal Gang
• Modern and sophisticated cybercriminal groups are
run like companies:
 Most cybercrime originates from small teams
bringing in moderate revenues.
 They advertise and recruit, track revenues, form
partnerships, and track and mimic competition.
 Larger cybercriminal groups can be organized and
operate like a corporation (various departments,
staffing challenges, overhead, quality control, etc.).
 Many groups have political connections and are
generally aware of their public relations.
 They grow capabilities organically/internally and also
leverage the black market to bring in new

Guidelines for ascertaining criminal business size.
Image Source: Trend Micro


A Brief Analysis of
the GozNym Network
• Midsize cybercriminal gang
 ~$100M in …