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North Korea’s Cyber Strategy

2023-06-23, RecordedFuture
cta-nk-2023-0622.pdf, 1.2 MB
#Trend #Whitepaper


North Korea’s Cyber Strategy
New research by Recorded Future’s Insikt Group examines North Korea’s cyber strategy. Despite the ever-increasing number of cyberattacks publicly attributed to North Korea, the regime does not publish an official cyber-strategy doctrine. North Korea's cyber strategy is focused on aggressive information collection and financial theft operations to support its goals of maintaining the Kim family dynasty and unifying the Korean peninsula under its leadership. The regime conducts information collection to gain insights into the thinking of its adversaries and to access technology that can provide an advantage during times of conflict. Financial theft is used to fund the regime's activities, including its nuclear and missile programs. Despite its centralized leadership system, North Korea creatively targets a wide range of industries across different countries.
A quantitative analysis of 273 cyberattacks attributed to North Korean state-sponsored threat actors reveals that the regime primarily engages in cyber espionage and financial theft …