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2018-02-20, Mandiant
APT37 (Reaper): The Overlooked North Korean Actor
"APT37 has likely been active since at least 2012 and focuses on targeting the public and private sectors primarily in South Korea. In 2017, APT37 expanded its targeting beyond the Korean peninsula to include Japan, Vietnam and the Middle East, and to a wider range of industry verticals, including chemicals, electronics, manufacturing, aerospace, automotive and healthcare entities"

- malpedia,

Also known as

Name Named by AKA First seen Last seen
APT-C-28 Qihoo360 ScarCruft 2019-06-01 2024-04-23
APT37 Mandiant ScarCruft 2018-02-20 2025-02-10
ATK4 ThalesGroup APT37 2019-10-07 2022-05-31
BlackShoggoth PWC APT37 2020-03-03 2021-02-28
G0067 MITRE APT37 2018-04-18 2018-04-18
Group123 CiscoTalos ScarCruft 2018-01-16 2023-07-11
ITG10 IBM ScarCruft 2021-10-23 2023-06-06
InkySquid Volexity ScarCruft 2021-08-17 2023-01-04
NickelFoxcroft SecureWorks ScarCruft - 2024-10-08
RedEyes Ahnlab ScarCruft 2018-02-21 2024-05-07
RicochetChollima CrowdStrike ScarCruft 2019-02-19 2024-12-13
ScarCruft Kaspersky - 2016-06-17 2025-01-20
TEMP.Reaper Mandiant ScarCruft 2018-02-03 2024-04-09
금성121 ESTSecurity ScarCruft 2018-07-04 2023-09-19


#APT37 #G0067