
Everyday is lazarus.dayβ


2024-06-28, PaloaltoNetworks
Threat Actor Groups Tracked by Palo Alto Networks Unit 42
"Slow Pisces is North Korea's nation state threat group under Reconnaissance General Bureau (RGB) of DPRK. It's believed to be a spin-off from the Lazarus group with focus on financial gathering and crypto industry targeting goals. Their primary task since 2020 is generating revenue for the DPRK regime and they do so by targeting organizations that handle large volumes of cryptocurrency. They have reportedly stolen in excess of $1 billion in 2023 alone."

- PaloaltoNetworks,

Also known as

Name Named by AKA First seen Last seen
DarkRiver Ptsecurity JadeSleet 2023-09-27 2023-09-27
JadeSleet Microsoft TraderTraitor 2023-07-18 2024-10-15
SlowPisces PaloaltoNetworks JadeSleet 2024-06-28 2024-09-09
